Rotary on a Stick District 5950 Conference

District Governor Sharon Bloodworth held the 2024 District 5950 Conference at the Minnesota State Fair on August 24.  DG Bloodworth welcomed Rotarians along with MN State Fair CEO Renee Alexander.  There were Rotary exhibits (scarecrow), service projects and Rotary was featured in the parade.  
Rotary on a Stick District 5950 Conference 2024-08-25 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Golf Classic - 2024

 This year's Rotary Golf Classic, our Club's annual fundraiser was held June 25 at Edinburgh USA.  Once again, the approximately 100 golfers enjoyed a summer day on a beautiful golf course to support our Club's projects and causes.  Thanks to our generous sponsors, golfers and Edinburgh USA.
Rotary Golf Classic - 2024 2024-06-30 05:00:00Z 0

Club Grant Recipients

NEAR Food Shelf partnered with our Club and the Benshoof Foundation for renovation of its space, including its office/meeting space.  Several Rotarians at the ribbon cutting for the updated space.
The New Hope YMCA partnered with our Club and the Benshoof Foundation for new turf for the Y's play area.  Club member and YMCA staff Nina Wolf receiving the Club's grant.
Our Club supports Baztec.  Baztec hosted a Mother's Day event in Robbinsdale.
In December, our Club partners with TreeHouse to sell coffee for TreeHouse programming.  At a January meeting, Club Treasurer Andrew Agosto presented Hector with TreeHouse a check from the proceeds from the coffee sale.
Our Club, along with other clubs, received a District grant to assemble and provide Dignity Backpacks to Conversations with Friends.  Participating clubs recently packed these backpacks.  
Club Grant Recipients 2023-07-24 05:00:00Z 0

Service Projects

Our Club tries to do at least one service project each quarter. 
Several Club members were able to assist NEAR with its toy distribution event.
This year's December holiday project was helping PRISM pack 200+ cold weather packs.
Also that day, one of our Club members, David Dumas, lead the toy buying spree for toys for youth at domestic violence shelters throughout the metro area.  
In September, our Club participated in the Robbinsdale Chamber of Commerce's Meet and Greet.  Great to talk with so many people about what Rotary is and does.
In April, a mighty group packed rice at The Food Group.
Our January service project was doing a shift packing rice at Second Harvest.
In December, we did our annual holiday food basket assembly and delivery.  The Club assembled and delivery 90 baskets to families in need in our area.  
Service Projects 2023-07-24 05:00:00Z 0

2023 Golf Classic Event

This year's Golf Classic Event on June 27 was another successful fundraiser for the Club.  It was a beautiful day at Edinburgh USA.
We're already planning for the 2024 Rotary Golf Classic - mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 25, 2024!
2023 Golf Classic Event 2023-07-08 05:00:00Z 0

2022 Toys for Womens' Shelters

For years Club member David Dumas has funded and coordinated the purchase of toys for all the womens' shelters in the metro area.  2022 was another successful year.
2022 Toys for Womens' Shelters 2023-01-02 06:00:00Z 0

2022 Holiday Baskets

Once again the Club packed and delivered holiday food baskets to families in our community.
2022 Holiday Baskets 2023-01-02 06:00:00Z 0

Recent Club Programs


Our Club hosted an Area 4 meeting and heard about the good work going on at TreeHouse.  We also heard about how our Club's partnership with TreeHouse to sell coffee helps the youth at TreeHouse. District Governor Mary Timmons attended as did presidents and representatives of the Brooklyn Center, Golden Valley and St. Louis Park Sunrise Clubs.   
Thea and Ron of NEAR provided a presentation of the remodeled NEAR space, including the renovated conference room, funded by a District grant and a grant from the Benshoof Foundation.
At a recent meeting, Club member Mark Neubauer was recognized for receiving his Paul Harris Plus One pin for contributions to the Rotary Foundation.  Mark talked about the importance of the Foundation in our Club's ability to fund grant applications.  Ron Nida was also presented with his Paul Harris Plus pin for his contributions to the Rotary Foundation,
Andrew Agosto with assistance from Marcello updated the Club on the annual TreeHouse Coffee Sales project.   At the same meeting, Crystal Mayor-Elect Julie Deshler shared some thoughts with the Club.
Jim Benshoof updated the Club on his recent trip to Guatemala.  And the program that day was learning about community engagement by the YMCA with Kurt Kamppainen of the New Hope YMCA.
At a recent meeting, we welcomed new member Kevin Lytle and heard from Robbinsdale Police Captain and New Hope Mayor-Elect John Elder.
John Elholm, Crystal Recreation Director, updated the Club on the Crystal Aquatic Center improvement project at a recent meeting,
Steve Kraemer, Executive Director of Conversations with Friends, talked about the Backpack Project that our Club helped fund.
Isaac Wheeler with TreeHouse shared the latest on how TreeHouse is supporting youth in our Club's area.
Land Trust Twin Cities President Aarica Coleman spoke to the Club about what LTTC is and does.
Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Lunde was at a recent meeting to provide a County update.
ISD 281 Board Member Helen Bassett was our program at a recent meeting.
At a recent program, Club Member Daniel Bakken provided a history of independently owned Citizen's Bank.
Karina Forest Perkins of Vail Communities spoke with the Club about efforts to improve mental health for Minnesotans.
St. Thomas University Women's Basketball Coach Ruth Sinn returned for the Club's program.
At the last meeting, a former exchange student, Lorena, returned for a visit.
April 24 was our Rotary Matters meeting.  Brian Bourassa of WSB spoke to our Club and guests about the importance of Rotary in his personal and professional life.
At a recent meeting, we heard from the New Hope, Crystal and Robbinsdale city managers - Reece Bertholf, Adam Bell and Tim Sandvik.
Recent Club Programs 2022-01-28 06:00:00Z 0

Past President Green Accepts Arch Klumph Award on behalf of Club

Past President Sharon Green accepted the Arch Klumph Award on behalf of the Club.  This award was received in recognition of former Club member Berniece Simmons generous gift to Rotary.  Past District Governor Tom Gump and Past Club President Green.
Past President Green Accepts Arch Klumph Award on behalf of Club 2021-09-20 05:00:00Z 0

Elmer's 2021 - A Good Time!

Elmer's 2021 was held August 3 at Edinburgh USA.  Another perfect day for golf, camaraderie and fundraising for our Club projects and activities.  
Elmer's 2021 - A Good Time! 2021-08-31 05:00:00Z 0
Tree House Thank You 2021-07-21 05:00:00Z 0

Club Programs

At a recent meeting, we heard from Jason Bergmann about the good work being done by Operation Boot Strap Africa.
Our October 1 meeting ended up being on the patio with Gerry Hegna as our speaker - he'll be back on October 22 when we can be inside.  smiley
Mr. Clean House came back for District Governor Gump's visit to our Club and presented our Club an award for service to the community.
At our May 7 meeting, President Sharon Green thanked Kent Garber, owner of Frankie's, for his efforts to keep us meeting safely throughout the pandemic.
At our April 30 meeting, we were treated to a program by Mr. Clean House and Friends and the program's founder, Myron Green.
At a recent meeting, newly elected council members from our cities were invited to talk about their priorities and visions for their cities.
Robbinsdale Mayor Bill Blonigan, Council Members Tyler Kline and Sheila Webb joined us as did New Hope Council Member Mike Isenberg.
Club Programs 2021-04-09 05:00:00Z 0

Polio Plus Winner!

After many months, we have a Polio Plus winner.  One of our guests, Robbinsdale Mayor Bill Blonigan, won the Polio Plus drawing!  Congrats!
Polio Plus Winner! 2021-04-09 05:00:00Z 0

Former Club Member Makes Donation to Club

At a recent meeting, President Sharon Green accepted a large check from Rosemary Kaisershot who is helping her husband, Medard Kaisershot, with the estate of former Club member Bernice Simmons.  The Club appreciates Bernice's generosity.
Former Club Member Makes Donation to Club 2021-03-12 06:00:00Z 0

2021- 22 Service Projects

Packing beans at The Food Group.
On April 8, these volunteers worked a shift at Second Harvest packaging supplemental food boxes for seniors.
On a recent Saturday, several Club members helped out with a Fishing for Life event at Canterbury Park.
In January, a few brave Club members volunteered time at Second Harvest Heartland - guessing the project involved sweet potatoes.
Our Club participated in Robbinsdale's Meet & Greet event - and we beat the rain!  Great to see everyone!
In May our Club cleaned up Crystal's Becker Park the day before the community celebration of the improved park.  Way to go, Club!
The May District Conference included the opportunity plant trees at Brookdale Park in Brooklyn Park.  Club President Sharon Green was there (with District Governor Tom Gump and Rotary International Director Suzi Howe) and represented our Club and our Club-sponsored tree.
The latest service project for the Club was an updating at Tree House - painting and prepping for new couches.  Big improvement!
The Club did a service project at the Food Group on March 19 and our assignment was packing black beans.  Way to go, team!!!
The Club did a service project on February 20 at Bibles for Missions.  We helped with sorting and putting out inventory.
2021- 22 Service Projects 2021-02-23 06:00:00Z 0

Recent Club Activities

Club Member David Dumas has a longstanding tradition of buying toys to distribute to youth in domestic violence shelters.  This year Club President Sharon Green and Club member Sharon Anderson helped David with toy selection.
And our Club awarded a grant to the "Start Anew" program.  Here is Club President Green with one of the 300+ children benefitting from this program.  
Recent Club Activities 2020-12-22 06:00:00Z 0

2020 Holiday Baskets

Despite the pandemic and practicing safety restrictions, the Club safely managed the holiday baskets again.
2020 Holiday Baskets 2020-12-16 06:00:00Z 0

1 K Turkey Giveaway at PRISM

On November 20 and 21 Club members helped PRISM with its 1,000 turkey dinner giveaway.  On Friday, Club members sorted potatoes and on Saturday, we helped with the distribution of the turkey dinners.

1 K Turkey Giveaway at PRISM 2020-11-24 06:00:00Z 0
The Club's Service Project at The Food Group 2020-10-05 05:00:00Z 0

Chicks with Sticks Social 

September 13 was the inaugural Chicks with Sticks golfing/social event at the New Hope Golf Course.  Looks like all had a great time!

Chicks with Sticks Social 2020-09-15 05:00:00Z 0

Friends, Family and Community Day - A Success!

The September 11 meeting was Friends, Family and Community Day.  We had many visitors and thank them for attending our meeting.  We're always happy to welcome new members to the Club.  smiley
Among the guests were:
Rudy Spike and Bob Triple of Bibles for Missions                                                              
Exchange student Kyah's host father
John Lapointe's guest, Robbinsdale Council Member Bill Blonigan
ISD 281 School Board member Helen Basset
Former Club Member Melodie Hanson with HUGS
Club Member Lynn Anderson's husband Larry Anderson
Club Member Tom Kosel's cousin Bob Casserly Jr.
Friends, Family and Community Day - A Success! 2020-09-15 05:00:00Z 0

Recent Club Guests

Kevin Lytle of PRISM updated the Club on the latest activities at PRISM.
Excelsior Club member Tim Connelly spoke to our Club about the Shelter Box project.
CCX Media local celebrity Dave Kiser spoke to our Club at a recent meeting.
Club President Sharon Green thanks Tyler Myers of Engineers without Borders for his presentation and project update at a recent Club meeting.
Our Club President Sharon Green welcomed David Cummings, Cedrick Frazier and De'Vonna Pittman as guest speakers at a recent meeting.
Recent Club Guests 2020-08-24 05:00:00Z 0

District Governor Visit

District Governor Tom Gump, District Governor Elect Marianna Khauv and District Membership Chair Lloyd Campbell visited our Club and shared their priorities for the coming year.
District Governor Visit 2020-08-17 05:00:00Z 0

Elmers 2020 - It's a Wrap!

August 4 was a glorious summer day at Edinburgh USA for our 35th Elmer’s Rotary Golf Classic fundraiser.  While the pandemic meant we could only golf, have a BBQ and raffle, a good time was had by all.  Way to go, Club!!!


Elmers 2020 - It's a Wrap! 2019-12-06 06:00:00Z 0

Community Organizations provide Information

Former Club President Chue Xiong and her associate Amanda Swanson shared information about the AmeriCorps reading and math tutor program.
At a recent meeting, the Club heard from representatives of the Community Dental Clinic about the great services provided to our community. 
And at another recent information, the Club heard Lori Strong from Parenting with Purpose talk about the work with families to provide support while a family member is incarcerated. 
And another meeting featured Kaycee Stainley talking about the Reel Hope project.
Emily Wallace-Jackson provided information to our Club on the Seven Dreams Education Foundation.
Community Organizations provide Information 2019-11-01 05:00:00Z 0
Club Supports Engineers without Borders 2019-10-25 05:00:00Z 0

Our Club Supports Fishing for Life

A recent Club program was hearing from Tom Goodrich, Fishing for Life, about all the good work they do to help youth be outdoors and learn about fishing.  Our Club supports Fishing for Life and will be working on opportunities to work together. 
Our Club Supports Fishing for Life 2019-10-14 05:00:00Z 0

2019 Robbinsdale Meet & Greet

Despite the soggy weather, our Club participated in the 2019 Robbinsdale Meet & Greet and were visited by Robbinsdale royalty.
Thanks to President Lapointe and Past President Lowe for coordinating our participation.
2019 Robbinsdale Meet & Greet 2019-09-10 05:00:00Z 0
St. Thomas Head Womens Basketball Coach Sinn Rotary Program 2019-09-06 05:00:00Z 0

Feed My Starving Children MobilePack

Three Club members, Ann Rest, Terry Johnson and Kathi Hemken participated in the August 10 community Feed My Starving Children MobilePack project.  The goal was to complete 300,000 meals.

Feed My Starving Children MobilePack 2019-08-16 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Award

Club Member Tom Kosel received his 3-time Paul Harris Fellow Award.   The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.  Thanks for your support of Rotary and way to go, Tom!!!
Paul Harris Fellow Award 2019-07-26 05:00:00Z 0

Club Support for local programs

We presented PRISM with a check to support local food shelf, clothing and school supplies initiatives:
Our Club supports the Seven Dreams Foundation and the New Hope Days for Girls project.
Club Member David Dumas has a long tradition of buying toys for kids in womens' shelters throughout the metro area.  Our Club supports his efforts.  Here is this year's bounty.  Thanks, David!
Our Club partnered with Community Dental to include dental goods in our holiday baskets.  Club President John Lapointe presents a check to Community Dental.
Club Member Jim Benshoof presents a check to one of the local KidPack projects (Calvary Lutheran Church) on behalf of the Crystal New Hope Robbinsdale and Golden Valley Rotary Clubs.  And here's a link to the Sun Post article on this project. and the CCX story:
President Lapointe presents a check to Tree House for their work with youth in our community.
President Lapointe presenting a check to Good Samaritan for their work supporting the KidPack project.
President Lapointe thanked Crystal Police Chief Revering for her presentation on the Crystal DARE program.
Three Club members, Ann Rest, Terry Johnson and Kathi Hemken participated in the August 10 community Feed My Starving Children MobilePack project.  The goal was to complete 300,000 meals.
Club Support for local programs 2019-07-19 05:00:00Z 0

Elmer's 2019 - Another Successful Event

Despite the weather, Elmer's 2019 was a great event!  We had 110 golfers, a dozen painters and other volunteers and guests who enjoyed the silent auction and dinner at Edinburgh USA.  Thanks to everyone for their work and help in putting on this event and our annual fundraiser.
Elmer's 2019 - Another Successful Event 2019-06-07 05:00:00Z 0

Elmer's Rotary Golf Classic 2019 is Tuesday, June 4

Save the date!!!
Elmer's Rotary Golf Classic 2019 is just around the corner! 
Mark your calendars now!
When:  Tuesday, June 4
Where:   Edinburgh Golf Course
                Brooklyn Park, MN
Registration:    11:00 a.m.
Golf:    12:30 p.m. Shotgun Start
Painting:  2 :00 p.m. Painting class
Dinner/silent auction:  6:00 p.m.
For non-golfers, there is a painting class option, starting at 2 p.m.  A professional artist leads you step-by-step through painting a 16 x 20 acrylic painting.  All supplies provided so you take home a masterpiece after the class. 
You don't have to golf to come and support the event!  Non golfers can enjoy the painting class, dinner and silent auction!
Elmer's Rotary Golf Classic 2019 is Tuesday, June 4 2019-04-05 05:00:00Z 0

Our Club Supports our Communities

At our February 1 meeting, President Latisha Lowe presented checks in support of local projects: one to John Elholm, Crystal Recreation Director, for Crystal's Becker Park project; and one to Patsy Green and Pam Lindberg for Robbinsdale Schools' Seven Dreams Foundation.
Our Club Supports our Communities 2019-02-03 06:00:00Z 0

Holiday gifts to go to womens' shelters 

From Club member David Dumas, who every year purchases toys for all the womens' shelters in the metropolitan area:

Here are a few pictures from the toy buying. Thank you and everyone at Rotary for helping us with the generous donation.



Holiday gifts to go to womens' shelters 2018-12-17 06:00:00Z 0

The 2018 Holiday Baskets are done and delivered!

On Saturday, December 8, Club members and friends assembled and packed 100 food boxes at the New Hope City Hall.  Most boxes were delivered on the 8th.
Another great project!!! Way to go, Club!
The 2018 Holiday Baskets are done and delivered! 2018-10-24 05:00:00Z 0

Our Club is involved in our Community

Our Club participated in the Robbinsdale Meet & Greet on September 18:
And our Club contributed to:
Colleen Haubner, New Hope YMCA    &  Melodie Hanson,  Robbinsdale Redesign's Diaper Drive
Our Club is involved in our Community 2018-09-17 05:00:00Z 0

Ever wonder what Rotary is?  We invite you to visit our Club!

Are you an established professional who wants to make positive changes in your community and the world?  Our Club members are awesome!
Our 1.2 million-member organization started with the vision of one man - Paul P. Harris.  The Chicago attorney formed one of the world's first service organizations, the Rotary Club of Chicago, on February 23, 1905 as a place where professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships.  Rotary's name came from the group's early practice of rotating meetings among the offices of each member.
You are invited to visit us at an upcoming meeting - we meet Wednesday mornings at 7 a.m. at Frankie's Pizza in New Hope. 
Ever wonder what Rotary is? We invite you to visit our Club! 2018-09-13 05:00:00Z 0

School Supply Drive with PRISM


As we've done before the Club held its annual School Supply Drive and on August 24 the Club helped distribute the supplies at PRISM.




Thanks for making this year's drive another success!

School Supply Drive with PRISM 2018-07-24 05:00:00Z 0

DARE Receives Club Support

Club President Latisha Lowe presents Crystal Police Chief Stephanie Revering and New Hope Officer Korth with funds to support the Crystal and New Hope DARE programs.

DARE Receives Club Support 2018-07-20 05:00:00Z 0
Remember - Tim Kudalis Tree House Fundraiser is Thursday June 10 so no meeting on Friday 2018-04-30 05:00:00Z 0

2018 Elmer's Rotary Golf Classic - June 5 - Another great event!

The Crystal-New Hope - Robbinsdale Rotary Club sponsored our 2018 Elmer's Rotary Golf Classic on Tuesday, June 5, at Edinburgh USA in Brooklyn Park.  Since 1975, our Club, along with community participation, has made it possible for us to support initiatives benefiting youth, families and communities - locally and globally.  Several of our current initiatives are:
  • Tree House
  • New Hope YMCA
  • Robins Adapted Athletics
  • Future Roots
  • The Food Group
It was a beautiful day for golf, fun and fundraising.  Thanks to all who participated and contributed!
2018 Elmer's Rotary Golf Classic - June 5 - Another great event! 2018-04-16 05:00:00Z 0

Tree House Fundraiser - Another Successful Project!

Every year our Club partners with Tree House on a coffee sales fundraising project to help raise funds for youth outings and events.  Here's Club President Terry Johnson presenting the proceeds of the fundraiser to Tree House Area Director Michelle Livingston.
Tree House Fundraiser - Another Successful Project! 2018-02-02 06:00:00Z 0

February and Beyond Calendar

            Wednesday, February 12 - 7:00 a.m., Club meeting, Frankie's (Zoom details sent separately)
            Wednesday, February 19 - 7:00 a.m., Club meeting, Frankie's (Zoom details sent separately)
            Wednesday, February 26 - 4:30 p.m., Club Board meeting, TBA
            Wednesday, February 26 - 5:30 p.m., Club Happy Hour Social, location TBA
            Wednesday, March 5 - 7:00 a.m., Club meeting, Frankie's (Zoom details sent separately)
            Wednesday, March 12 - 7:00 a.m., Club meeting, Frankie's (Zoom details sent separately)
            Wednesday, March 19 - 7:00 a.m., Club meeting, Frankie's (Zoom details sent separately)
            Wednesday, March 26 - 4:30 p.m. - Club Board meeting, TBA
            Wednesday, March 26 - 5:30 p.m. - Club Happy House Social, location TBA
And mark your calendar now for Tuesday, June 24 for the annual Rotary Golf Classic Fundraiser at Edinburgh USA!
February and Beyond Calendar 2017-12-29 06:00:00Z 0

The Tim Kudalis Tree House Fundraiser is April 26, 6-8 p.m.!  No meeting on April 27

Remember to come to the April 26 Tim Kudalis Tree House Memorial Fundraiser - 6 - 8 p.m. at Frankie's!
The fundraiser will serve as our weekly meeting so there will be NO Club meeting on Friday, April 27.
Looking ahead, duties for the May 4 meeting are:
Greeter:  David Bacik
Invocation:  Steven Sondrall
What's New: Anita Perkins
Program:  Ron Nida
See you bright and early Friday morning!
The Tim Kudalis Tree House Fundraiser is April 26, 6-8 p.m.! No meeting on April 27 2017-12-29 06:00:00Z 0
2017 Holiday Baskets are Packed and Delivered! 2017-12-11 06:00:00Z 0
Our Club Supports Holidays Toys for Area Women's Shelters 2017-12-08 06:00:00Z 0

District 5950 Mid-Term Assembly- January 27 at Crown College

District 5950 Mid-Term Assembly is Saturday, January 27, 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

at Crown College, 8700 College View Drive, St. Bonifacius, MN  55375
Join District 5950 leaders (current and future!) for a morning that re-energizes you with new ideas, information, networking, motivation, inspiration...and good food!

No charge for Rotarians. Register at

For more information, contact D5950 trainer Tom Gump at (612) 770-8389.



District 5950 Mid-Term Assembly- January 27 at Crown College 2017-11-27 06:00:00Z 0

Our Club works with Minnetonka Rotary Club at Free Bikes 4 Kidz

On Saturday, November 11, members of our Club partnered with members of the Minnetonka Rotary Club to turn dusty unused bikes into working shiny bikes for kids with Free Bikes 4 Kidz.  Free Bikes 4 Kidz' goal for this year is to collect, fix and give away over 5,000 bikes to kids in need. 

Our crew helped clean and fix some of the bikes to be given away on November 16. 


Our Club works with Minnetonka Rotary Club at Free Bikes 4 Kidz 2017-11-13 06:00:00Z 0
Club Supported Water Project in Nicaragua 2017-11-01 05:00:00Z 0

Our Club Supports Future Roots Project

Our Club has supported Jaime and Liz and their Future Roots Project ( for several years.   The Future Roots Project is a collective founded in Minnesota that focuses on sustainable educational, artistic, and health initiatives in Nicaragua.  From teachers trainings to designing sustainable classroom materials, Future Roots brings educational and artistic opportunities to impoverished communities that improve literacy rates, creativity, self worth, health & empowerment in children.  Jaime and Liz are passionate about improving the lives of kids in Nicaragua. 
Our Club Supports Future Roots Project 2017-09-05 05:00:00Z 0
Karen Hirose reflects on her year Anne Norris 0
Look at the fun time at the District 5950 Conference at the Radisson Blu! Anne Norris 0
More Information on the Robbinsdale Area High Schools Relay for Life Anne Norris 0
Another Friday Meeting - Respectful Polio Plus Game Participants Anne Norris 0

More News from Liz and Jaime in Nicaragua

Posted by Anne Norris

ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageLiz and Jaime report they broke ground earlier this week at the community space they are working on in Wl Pantanal.  They had to hand cut the entire site with machetes.  Here are some photos of their efforts!


More News from Liz and Jaime in Nicaragua Anne Norris 0

Mano a Mano Project Story - Sun Post News and District Governor Diann Kirby's Response

Posted by Anne Norris

As you know, our Club partnered with several other area Clubs to fill a shipping container with supplies for the Mano a Mano project.  Check out the article from the March 13 Sun Post and District Governor Diann Kirby's response to President Mac Gordron below.

Benefiting Bolivia: Area Rotary Clubs fund shipment of needed supplies

New Hope Mayor Kathi Hemken, center, joins members of the Crystal, New Hope, Robbinsdale Rotary to pack a 40-foot container with supplies to ship to Bolivia. Bolivia has the highest rural poverty rate in the world. Mano a Mano, the organization responsible for helping the Bolivians, has impacted approximately one-fourth of Bolivia’s rural population since its inception in 1994. (Submitted photo)

New Hope Mayor Kathi Hemken, center, joins members of the Crystal, New Hope, Robbinsdale Rotary to pack a 40-foot container with supplies to ship to Bolivia. Bolivia has the highest rural poverty rate in the world. Mano a Mano, the organization responsible for helping the Bolivians, has impacted approximately one-fourth of Bolivia’s rural population since its inception in 1994. (Submitted photo)

Bolivia is known for having the highest rural poverty rate in the world with 94 percent of the population not even meeting the level for adequate survival, according to the Mano a Mano organization.

Mano a Mano, meaning “hand in hand” in Spanish, is a nonprofit based in St. Paul with offices in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The organization, founded in 1994, focuses on helping Bolivians any way it can – from creating a health clinic or school to fixing roads or improving water. It is unique in that the Bolivians decide what projects are most important in their communities.

Last year the Crystal, New Hope, Robbinsdale Rotary sparked interest in helping the organization.

Jim Benshoof, a Rotarian, and his wife, Marsha, had previously been host parents to a Bolivian child through a Rotary exchange program. It was through that child that Benshoof found a passion for helping Bolivia. The Benshoofs have since traveled to Bolivia to help locals and visit the child they housed several years ago.

Benshoof learned of Mano a Mano not long ago and brought it to the attention of the Rotary.

The Crystal, New Hope, Robbinsdale Rotary partnered with the Brooklyn Park Rotary and Minnetonka Rotary to raise funds to help the organization.

In addition, Benshoof’s Rotary applied for a grant from the Rotary District 5950. Each year the district accepts applications and approves grants for rotaries in the area. In December, the Rotary was approved for a $6,000 grant.

Each participating Rotary raised $1,000 each, for a total of $9,000.

The money was used to help fund the shipment of a 40-foot container filled with needed supplies, but the money the Rotaries raised only covered a portion of the cost. According to Nate Knatterud, director of communications and research for Mano a Mano, the organization used to be able to ship containers for free but now it costs $10,000 to $14,000 to ship one container.

Once additional fees are added it could cost a total of nearly $20,000. Mano a Mano earns funds from other organizations and individuals to help with sending the containers to Bolivia.

“It’s definitely a struggle each shipment now,” Knatterud said.

The funds raised by the Rotaries is a significant help for Mano a Mano.

“We basically need the seed money for any project,” Knatterud said. “Without that we wouldn’t be able to do any of the projects we do.”

In January members of each Rotary visited the St. Paul location to pack the container with supplies. The volunteers packed 38,000 pounds of supplies to be shipped to Bolivia.

The supplies are donated from area hospitals, companies, schools and individuals rather than being dumped in landfills.

The Rotaries packed wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, hospital beds, linens, gloves, medical instruments, surgical supplies, airplane parts, wound care supplies, machine tools, school and office supplies and more. The supplies valued nearly $500,000.

Mano a Mano, a nonprofit helping Bolivia, sends shipping containers full of medical and school supplies to Bolivians in need. The Crystal, New Hope, Robbinsdale Rotary, Minntonka Rotary and Brooklyn Park Rotary packed 38,000 pounds of supplies on Jan. 21. The Rotaries, with the help of a grant, raised $9,000 to put towards the shipment of the container. (Submitted photo)

Mano a Mano, a nonprofit helping Bolivia, sends shipping containers full of medical and school supplies to Bolivians in need. The Crystal, New Hope, Robbinsdale Rotary, Minntonka Rotary and Brooklyn Park Rotary packed 38,000 pounds of supplies on Jan. 21. The Rotaries, with the help of a grant, raised $9,000 to put towards the shipment of the container. (Submitted photo)

“The sweat equity was a big part for us,” said Mac Gordon, president of the Crystal, New Hope, Robbinsdale Rotary. “It was such a fun time. We had a blast doing it. It was a fun way for us to connect as a group with the other two clubs and Mano a Mano. It was really rewarding.”

The container would be driven to New York where it would travel by ocean freight through the Panama Canal to Chile and eventually arrive in Bolivia. It would take an additional few months for the container to clear customs before the supplies could be distributed to 16 hospitals, 33 health centers, 72 clinics, 12 jails and 431 individuals.

Since its inception in 1994, Mano a Mano has shipped 3.5 million pounds of supplies valued at $14 million to Bolivia, built 145 clinics that help 700,000 Bolivians resulting in a decrease of infant mortality rate by more than 92 percent, improved 1,400 kilometers of roads, constructed seven large water reservoirs and 170 water ponds, built 49 schools and provided emergency air rescue to more than 2,100 individuals.

The Rotaries were happy to be a small part in helping Bolivians in need.

“We are on organization that is based on trying to help and support organizations, individuals and families that can’t help themselves,” Gordon said. “To see the end result… to see the amount of stuff in there that’s going to help families and individuals is pretty amazing. It’s great. We love it.”

Info: or

Contact Gina Purcell at

District Governor Diann Kirby Response to President Mac Gordon:



Great article in the Sun Post article about Crystal-New-Hope-Robbinsdale’s project to send a container of medical equipment to Bolivia project in collaboration with Mano a Mano.  Kudos to you and your project partners – Brooklyn Park and Minnetonka – for leveraging your dollars and qualifying for the maximum funding match from the district for this effort.  I loved the Sun Post article and the recognition that is given to the clubs involved.  You are truly changing lives in Bolivia with this project. 


Great work!





PS:  I also liked the accompanying photo of your Rotarians, especially the member pictured in an Iowa sweatshirt. J


Diann Kirby

District Governor

Rotary District 5950

612-207-6373 (c)

952-563-8717 (w)




Mano a Mano Project Story - Sun Post News and District Governor Diann Kirby's Response Anne Norris 0

Tree House Coffee Sale

Posted by Anne Norris
ImageImageImageOnce again, our Club partners with Tree House to sell coffee that is roasted and then bagged by Tree House volunteers.  Another successful event!
Tree House Coffee Sale Anne Norris 0

Host Families Needed for 2013-2014 School Year

Posted by Carla Hansen

The club hosts Karen throughout the year, but we are also looking for host families for Karen to live with while she is here.  With the Rotary Youth Exchange program, Karen would become part of your family and live in your home for up to 3 months. 

Being a host family is a very rewarding experience for the student AND for the family that hosts.  Rotary exchange students are selected for the program because they want to learn about and engage in another culture.  Karen has begun immersing herself in American culture and hopes to experience different family dynamics and experiences while in Minnesota.  A rotary exchange student becomes one of the family and is expected to assist with household chores, attend family events and become part of the everyday happenings of a home.  

If you are interested in hosting Karen and being part of this young lady's great experience in Minnesota, please contact Carla Hansen at or 763-504-9679.

Host Families Needed for 2013-2014 School Year Carla Hansen 0

Welcome Karen Hirose!

Posted by Carla Hansen

The Crystal New Hope Robbinsdale club have welcomed their newest youth exchange member -  Karen Hirose from Japan!  Karen (pronounced Ka-Le-m) is excited to be in the youth exchange program and will be attending Robbinsdale Armstrong High School as a senior.  By enrolling as a senior a the high school, Karen will be able to attend all senior activities and graduate with the class in May 2014.   Karen is interested in volleyball, basketball and many other sports.  She enjoys cooking and photography as well. 

For more pictures of Karen's fun since she arrived, click on "Youth Exchange" on our website.

If you are interested in learning more about the Rotary Youth Exchange program or being a host family for the program, please contact Carla Hansen at or 763-504-9679. 


Welcome Karen Hirose! Carla Hansen 0
2013 Elmers - Another Success Story - thanks to you! Anne Norris 0

May 23 and 30 Meetings at Frankies - 7 a.m.!

Posted by Anne Norris

Here are the assignments for the May 23 meeting:

Greeter:  Jim Erickson

Invocation:  Duane Sween

What's New:  John Slama

Program:  Ron Nida

These are the assignments for the May 30 meeting:

Greeter:  Mac Gordon

Invocation:  Chue Xiong

What's New:  Steve Sondrall

Program:  Elmer's Preparation - it's countdown time!

See you Friday morning!

May 23 and 30 Meetings at Frankies - 7 a.m.! Anne Norris 0

Aline says goodbye to the club

Posted by Carla Hansen

Aline's last day with the Crystal New Hope Robbinsdale Rotary club was on Friday June 14th.  We wish her all the best and thank her spending a year with us.  We will miss you Aline!

Aline says goodbye to the club Carla Hansen 0

Thanks from one of our Club's causes

Posted by Anne Norris

President Macke recently received the following thank you.

Dear Marc:


Our sincere thanks to the members of the Crystal – New Hope—Robbinsdale Rotary Club for your generous donation of $500 to purchase early childhood books for children and families. 


We purchase books that reflect the diverse families who are our neighbors, including books in various languages. The books are treasured in each home and help increase parent-child interaction.  Our Northwest Hennepin Early Childhood Network members distribute these books through various programs that serve infants and young children in this area and also at community events. 


Your gift is very much appreciated and is multiplied through our membership in First Books, which is an opportunity to purchase books for pennies on the dollar.


With sincere thanks,

Susan Blood


Thanks from one of our Club's causes Anne Norris 0
Rotarian David Bacik and Friends Anne Norris 0

Deep Freeze Dunk for Haiti

Posted by Carla Hansen

CNHR President Carla Hansen and her husband Chuck participated in the Deep Freeze Dunk sponsored by the Maple Grove Rotary on Saturday January 21st.  Despite the 20 degree weather, they jumped into Fish Lake to raise money toward the construction of a public school in Haiti.  In total almost $19,000 was raised with all proceeds going to Haiti International.  Way to represent the club Carla and Chuck!Image 

Photo courtesy of CCG Creative Studios 

Deep Freeze Dunk for Haiti Carla Hansen 0

Holiday Gathering Planned!

Posted by Carla Hansen

Save the date! 

 Get ready to celebrate the Holidays on Saturday December 17th  at a fun social outing with the rest of the club members and their significant others!

Tim and  Mary Ann Kudalis have invited all club members to their home for an evening of dance and celebration!  Joy Divina and Todd Paulus of Social dance Studio, Minneapolis will be providing the program and dance instruction in waltz and rhumba for all attendees!

More details will be available at Friday's meeting.   

Holiday Gathering Planned! Carla Hansen 0

Kid Pack Assemblers Needed!

Posted by Carla Hansen

Looking for a volunteer opportunity?  The Emergency Food shelf Network is working with neighboring churches to ensure young students have enough food to eat each weekend through the assembly of Weekend Kid Pack's.

 Kid Pack is a collaborative effort to fight local weekend hunger for children in our own backyards. Weekend snacks are assembled and delivered to schools on Fridays for children to bring home. Weekend Kid Packs are provided to 1400 local elementary students attending Robbinsdale Area Schools.

  • One in five area households with children are food insecure. Children in those households simply do not get enough to eat-- they have to cut the size of their meals, skip meals, or even go whole days without food at some point during the school year.

  • Hungry children face unnecessary barriers as they strive to become healthy, productive, and engaged members of society.
  • Hunger contributes to poor academic performance and disruptive behavior in the classroom. Missed meals also increase tardiness and visits to the school nurse.

Click on the Download link to the left for more information including dates and times when assemblers are needed..  Thank you for helping us fight hunger in children within our community!


Kid Pack Assemblers Needed! Carla Hansen 0

Rotary Roast Coffee has Arrived!!

Posted by Carla Hansen

The Tree House Youth met on Tuesday night and roasted and bagged over 150 pounds of coffee sold by Rotarians.  The coffee will be available to pick up at the meeting on Friday morning.  Please plan to attend and pick up your coffee.  If you haven't yet paid for the coffee, plan to do so on Friday as well.

If you are unable to pick up your coffee on Friday morning, please contact Carla by email or call 763-504-9679 to let her know and make arrangements to pick it up!

Rotary Roast Coffee has Arrived!! Carla Hansen 0

C-NH-R Rotarians collect items Food and other goods for Holiday Distribution

Posted by Carla Hansen

CNHR Rotarians have teamed up once again with PRISM to provide Food Box donations to those in need in time for the holidays.  All Rotarians are asked to please mark your calendars for the best part of all: Thursday, December 15, 4:30 PM at Prism for the final assembly and delivery of baskets to needy families.  A cash donation of $130 will be accepted in lieu of actual goods.  

Items to be donated by Rotarians and dates to bring it:

October 7

Soup (at least 12 cans or boxes)

Bottled or Canned Spaghetti Sauce (i.e. Prego,

            Ragu, Hunts ~ at least 6 cans or bottles)

Spaghetti Pasta (at least 6 boxes/bags)


October 14

Canned vegetables (at least 12 cans please)

Canned Fruit (at least 6 cans or more)


October 21

Boxed Instant Potatoes And Stuffing (at least 6 boxes or bags of each)


October 28

Cake Mix And Frosting  (at least 6 boxes of each)


November 4

Cereal (at least 6 boxes or bags)


November 11

Bath Soap and Dishwashing Liquid (NOT IRISH SPRING PLEASE!!)

(6 please of each)


November 18

Christmas Candy (4 packages)


December 2

Toilet Paper (at least 6 packages of 4 rolls)


December 9

Shampoo and Conditioner (at least 6 bottles of each)


C-NH-R Rotarians collect items Food and other goods for Holiday Distribution Carla Hansen 0

Lore joins Armstrong soccer

Posted by Carla Hansen

Our exchange student Lorena has joined the Armstrong JV Soccer Team.  They have already played two games and Lorena has been on the field about a third of the time. 

The photo shows her earlier this week in a game against Centennial High.  Way to go Lore!Image

Lore joins Armstrong soccer Carla Hansen 0

Crystal - New Hope - Robbinsdale Rotary Awards Strive Scholarships

Posted by Carla Hansen

The Rotary Club of Crystal, New Hope and Robbinsdale has awarded Strive scholarships to Cassandra Walters of Brooklyn Park and Diamond Hoskins of Minneapolis, both 2011 graduates of Cooper High School.


Strive, a Rotary program started in 1994 at Cooper High School, is offered to high school students who are paced to graduate in the coming year.  A group of Rotarians meet every other Monday at 8 a.m. to coach the students in grade improvement, college opportunities and answer questions about goals and jobs.  The scholarships are awarded to the top two students with the biggest improvement in their grades.


For more of this story, click on or type the URL below:

Crystal - New Hope - Robbinsdale Rotary Awards Strive Scholarships Carla Hansen 0
Wall of Wine with over 100 bottles to choose from! Carla Hansen 0

Silent Auction

Posted by Carla Hansen
story thumbnail
 Golfers and their Guests browsed over 80 Silent Auction items
Silent Auction Carla Hansen 0
Interested in Speaking to 30 dynamic local professionals? Tom Kosel 0

a little story about the national anthem

Posted by Medard Kaisershot
The authorship for this story of the National Anthem is attributed to the late Dr. Isaac Asimov. He was born in Russia and emigrated with his parents to the U. S. in 1923. He became a U. S. citizen in 1928. He is known as the father of modern sci-fi and was an accomplished chemist and physicist. He died in 1992. This is his story. All Four Stanzas By Isaac Asimov I have a weakness--I am crazy, absolutely nuts, about our national anthem. The words are difficult and the tune is almost impossible, but frequently when I'm taking a shower I sing it with as much power and emotion as I can. It shakes me up every time. I was once asked to speak at a luncheon. Taking my life in my hands, I announced I was going to sing our national anthem--all four stanzas. This was greeted with loud groans. One man closed the door to the kitchen, where the noise of dishes and cutlery was loud and distracting. "Thanks, Herb," I said."That's all right," he said. "It was at the request of the kitchen staff." I explained the background of the anthem and then sang all four stanzas.
a little story about the national anthem Medard Kaisershot 0